Monday, March 19, 2012

South By Southwest at Ramble Creek Studios 2012

Musicians from Ramble Creek Studios played a yard party during SXSW this year.  I was there and it was a blast!  It was a semi small gathering in a medium sized yard and the viewing was up close and personal.  It was sooooo much better than the huge crowds you normally experience during South By Southwest.  All of the bands that played there were amazing.
I gave up all hope of America's youth, and their inability to come up with any musical talent many years ago.  Since I moved to Austin, I have been schooled at just how much talent actually does exist.  One of my biggest lessons came this Saturday at a South By Southwest concert event, when I heard Seryn.
It all started in the backyard of a home near Barton Springs and close to downtown Austin.  (I have since met the owner, and for now will keep her nameless). I have to say that this was the best music experience I have had in my life, and Seryn blew my mind.  I got to hang out with them before and after their performances and they were as nice as they were talented.
I loved all of their retro tube driven amps and funky equipment
Seryn had a funky tribal beats with heartfelt tempos and explosive crescendos that left the hair on the back of my neck standing tall.  I felt some inspiration of Sigur Ros in their music.