Thursday, April 5, 2012

The SOS Defender / flame thrower

Here is a great example of the new flames that will be topping the newer versions of the Austin Grover lamps.  There are three sections of flames on the crown, red in front, yellow in the middle and then red again for the back.  The flames have 15 different sequences that they can do in a marque.  The arms have been reinforced and there is a new broad base with a nightlight coming from below.  This lamp as well and the ones following this, will have the button in a hidden position rather than in front of the flames, (I don't like it there).  There will be twelve lamps available with the new flames at the Lone Star Roundup.  My booth will be 10'x20', so there will be plenty of room to show the new material.

Watch the lamp in motion by playing the video below.